Contents: Books, Chapters, Audiobooks

Omnipotent Dreams

A far-right techbro tries to control our beliefs with dream inserts. Only it turns we already have simbionts in our unconscious and for them this technology is an existential threat.

Cyn Sweetwater is a surrealist artist whose dreams become a battleground.

Chapter 1: DreamAds Community Service


Summoned! To a Prawn Cocktail Crisp

Demon Lord Azanth was one of the greatest demons of the planes of wickedness. Liam Nowak is just your average first year student mage. Azanth is evil. Liam is good. An unlikely partnership comes about when Azanth's enemies overthrow him and force him into the weakest, most flimsy and impossible-to-comeback form they can think of on the Plane of Life: a crisp (also known as a potato chip).

Like Mephistopheles and Faust, the Master and Marguerite, Bert and Ernie, one can't help being evil and the other... wavers.

For Lord Azanth, his journey towards revenge is complicated by a growing awareness that beyond good and evil is primordial chaos, long thought to have been subdued, but which is making an accelerating return.

From being a 5-star, prismatic ranked, level-100 anti-tank mage, the demon's character sheet now reads:

Demon Lord Azanth   Level 0 Crisp (Prawn Cocktail flavour)

 Rank 0   Evolution 0

 Cast down from the Seventh Plane of Wickedness, this arch-evil demon lord was reincarnated on the Plane of Life as a prawn cocktail crisp. Surviving only for revenge upon those other demons who betrayed him to a paladin, Lord Azanth nurtures nothing but hate in his brittle potato heart.

Health 1

Strength 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 7

Physical Attack 0

Magical Attack 0

Armour 0

Magical Defence 0

Equipped Slots: Perimeter (empty), torso (empty)

Spirit Stones 0/100

Rank quests 0/20


Choose one from: assess magic; create scent; disguise; fast reflexes; heal fracture; invisibility; levitate; poison cloud; slice; stealth; summon small animal; and telepathy.


Chapter 1: What Flavour is the Taste of Defeat?

Chapter 2: Level 0 Crisp (Prawn Cocktail flavour)

Chapter 3: A Forlorn Packet of Crisps in a Vending Machine

Chapter 4: The Land Beyond the Portal

Chapter 5: Meet My New Friend, the Crisp

Summoned! To GrimWorld (LitRPG, Base Building, 4x, RimWorld) - Complete

Planet Earth's greatest - but unrecognised - artist, Marcus Korol, is mind swapped into a crashing spacecraft. Ejected to the surface of Grimworld, a planet with a base-building system, Marcus has to master the system in order to survive and prosper. Even if he can cope with the monsters and environmental dangers, there are warlike tribes to consider, twenty of them, in a complex arrangements of alliances. Staying alive, let alone prospering, is a daunting challenge that even a battle-hardened general would find daunting. Yet Marcus treats the situation with relish.

Marcus's one companion is another person summoned from Earth, a former princess, Duchess Sina Koskina: Sina is a young woman who has never done a serious day's work in her life. Having previously had servants for every task, Sina has no idea of her real abilities or talents, but she is keen to find out.

Marcus and Sina must find a way to work together, build a settlement, and master the strange system of the planet. If they can do so, they might even find and solve the Ultima quest that Grimworld is reputed to be host to.

Prologue: Summoned to a Planetcrash

Chapter 1: Welcome to Grimworld

Chapter 2: In Polite Society One Does Not Compare Character Sheets

Chapter 3: The Princess With the Calloused Hands

Chapter 4: Night Falls on Grimworld

Chapter 5: A System Menu is the Best Survival Tool

Chapter 6: “Take Me With You! I’m Begging You!”

Chapter 7: When Slavers Have Access to Your Character Sheet

Chapter 8: When One Has Menus, One Should Use Them

Chapter 9: Keeping the Otaxel Pet Quest on the Menu

Chapter 10: It’s a Shame that Princesses Don’t Play Online Games

Chapter 11: Moon Jackal

Chapter 12: Planning an Escape Strategy When Your Highest Skill is Artistry

Chapter 13: The Gods are Fickle and Distant. And Yet the People Pray to Them, Just in Case

Chapter 14: How Can A Slave Escape When Everyone is Visible on the System Menus?

Chapter 15: The Risks of a Grimworld Stash Quest

Chapter 16: The Ultima Quest can be Solved

Chapter 17: If you Change the Rules of Worship, Expect your Happiness Score to Drop

Chapter 18: Art Saves Lives

Chapter 19: Democracy and Basebuilding

Chapter 20: Time: The Most Precious Resource When Base Building

Chapter 21: “Sorry, but You’re Going to Live”

Chapter 22: When Your Base Happiness Score Goes the Wrong Way

Chapter 23: Happiness is a Base Building World Without Other People

Chapter 24: The Lost Wanderer Quest

Chapter 25: Having Slavers for Neighbours is Unsustainable

Chapter 26: Why do Epiphanies Always Come Too Late?

Chapter 27: Does the Gameworld System Control Your Happiness?

Chapter 28: A New Member for the Tribe

Chapter 29: A System-Wide Event: And We Caused It

Chapter 30: The First Pilgrims to the Artistic Wonder

Chapter 31: Capitalising on a Rare Random Event

Chapter 32: Choices from the Building Menu

Chapter 33: Using Artistry to Game the System

Chapter 34: A Full Stockpile is the Foundation of a Successful Grimworld Strategy

Chapter 35: Theft: The Highest Stimulus for Human Ingenuity

Chapter 36: The Mysterious Base of the Red Moon Tribe

Chapter 37: If You’re 92 but in the Body of a 27-Year-Old, What’s the Ideal Age for Your Girlfriend?

Chapter 38: The Value of Art in the Grimworld Trading System

Chapter 39: Does Growing Your Tribe Have to Mean Increasing Unwanted Drama?

Summoned! To an RPG World (Isekai LitRPG) - Complete

How well would you cope after being summoned to rule a kingdom in an RPG?

Sean de Courcy is a gamer with a maxed out warrior build on a popular MMORPG. When the desperate rulers of a declining kingdom need a warrior to help lead them to triumph over their enemies, their summoning spell picks Sean. Their world obeys the rules of an RPG, so although Sean has no real world fighting experience, he is exactly the person they need to manage the kingdom, increase the levels of the PCs, and lead their armies to victory.

An Isekai LitRPG with base building.


Chapter 1: The World of the Twenty-Five Kingdoms

Eternal Voyager (short stories) - ongoing

Tales from a distant future in which all life is virtual. Everyone in the Metaverse takes for granted the ability to teleport; to change shape; to create entire planets for their playgrounds and to make backup copies of themselves, so they cannot permanently die. And what do these people who live beyond the conventional universe do with their powers? Mostly they party.

These are the tales of Eternal Voyager. They come to me from EV himself and I like to think these stories are largely true, but I have taken the liberty of amending them to adjust a certain self-congratulatory bias in the original versions.

Eternal Voyager collected.

Kudos - Adventures in the Metaverse 1

Aliens - Adventures in the Metaverse 2

Epic (audiobook) - complete

Welcome to a society governed through a MMORPG!

On New Earth, society is governed and conflicts are resolved in the arena of a fantasy computer game, Epic. If you win, you have the chance to fulfill your dreams; if you lose, your life both in and out of the game is worth nothing. When teenage Erik dares to subvert the rules of Epic, he and his friends must face the Committee. If Erik and his friends win, they may have the key to destroying the Committee’s tyranny. But if they lose . . .

Opening Credits

Chapter 1: A Death in the Family

Chapter 2: In Praise of Beauty

Chapter 3: A Note, A Map, and Some Advice

Chapter 4: The Law of Violence

Chapter 5: A Glitter of Metal Panels

Chapter 6: Duels in the Arena

Chapter 7: The First Signs of Discord

Chapter 8: Behold, the Executioner

Chapter 9: Fever and Distress

Chapter 10: Harald Unmasked

Chapter 11: Broken Glass

Chapter 12: Nobody Kills Dragons

Chapter 13: The Dragon’s Lair

Chapter 14: The Committee Divided

Chapter 15: Two Strange Introductions

Chapter 16: A Bribe

Chapter 17: A Dangerous Philosophy

Chapter 18: A New Cause for Concern

Chapter 19: A Motely Crew

Chapter 20: Danger at Sea

Chapter 21: The Gloating Pirate

Chapter 22: A Cruel Dismissal

Chapter 23: Landscape Painting

Chapter 24: Arguing with a Vampyre

Chapter 25: An Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 26: The King of the Mermen

Chapter 27: A Very Thorough Coup

Chapter 28: Finem Facere Mundo

Chapter 29: The Call to Arms

Chapter 30: War

Chapter 31: The Touch of the Vampyre

Chapter 32: Epicus Ultima

Chapter 33: A Party

The Retreat (audiobook) - complete

A young knight, a mysterious, dark forest, life and death choices

Guibert of Rocadamor is returning from a failed expedition to the Holy Land. One of only a handful of knights in this army, Guibert is a young noble who wants nothing more than to become a legendary hero whom people will sing songs about. But how can he choose between the rival groups among the remnants of the army who vie for his support? As they draw closer to the safety of the French border, the question of who to stand with becomes a matter of life or death.



Chapter 1: Memories of Summer

Chapter 2: The Decision

Chapter 3: The Devil's Own

Chapter 4: In the Name of Christ

Chapter 5: They Shall Return at Evening

Chapter 6: A Dream that Affrightens

Chapter 7: Speeches and Exhortations

Chapter 8: Beserkir

Chapter 9: Thy Sleep Shall be Sweet

Chapter 10: Bring Forth the Prisoner

Chapter 11: Among my People are Found Wicked Men

Chapter 12: An Empty Road

Chapter 13: Lying Lips Put to Silence

Chapter 14: He Soweth Discord

Chapter 15: He that Provoketh a King to Anger

Chapter 16: The Song of Count Stephen

Chapter 17: Forest Beasts

Chapter 18: I Will Track Them Down

Chapter 19: Vengeance Rendered

Chapter 20: Fly Away, Blackbirds

Chapter 21: He that is Greedy of Gain...

Chapter 22: The Sons of Men are Liars

Chapter 23: Feet Dipped in Blood

Chapter 24: A Strength Laid Waste

Chapter 25: The Path of Ages

Chapter 26: Wrath, Devastation, Desolation, Bitterness

Chapter 27: Keep Thy Money to Thyself

Chapter 28: Arise, and let us Flee

Chapter 29: The Red Horseman

Chapter 30: Heaven Departed as a Book Folded Up

Chapter 31: Conversation from a Child

Chapter 32: There is no Covering for Destruction